Foreshore Breakers
win the 2011 State Teams Event after 17 years
The preliminary final match went down to the wire with scores at 9-9 going into the last set. The Foreshore team managed to win 13-11 with veteran Geoff Youd winning a great tactical match against Andrew Triffitt in the second last frame.
The final proved just as close with the Devonport team winning 4-2 in the last set to salvage a draw at 12-all. This resulted in both teams putting up five players each in a race to three, unfortunately for Alexander Red the strength of the Foreshore team saw it wrap up the playoff 3-0 with Chris Forsyth, Ricky Lee and Breakers captain Jeremy McGuire all winning their games to deny Devonport a State Team title after being runner-up on four previous occasions. It was a great weekend and with eight (8) teams competing from five (5) different associations it was good to see that this important event on the State Calender is getting back to where it was a few years ago.