Southern Tasmanian Eight Ball Association
2012/13 STEBA Grand Finals

Division 1
The Waggon (17)
Marquis Devils (15)
Garry Self MVP - Nick Verschuur
Division 2
AIC Zebra's (13)
Claremont RSL Devils (07)
Garry Self MVP - Otto Giusti
Division 3
HWC Nomads (13)
Kenny's Cougars (09)
Garry Self MVP - Janelle Jackson

Universal League Manager


Hobart Workers Club

 Now Serving Meals                       213 Liverpool St, Hobart                          Now Serving Meals
                                             Ph: 03 6234 4125                                              
Check out the Workers - Menu                                                                                                                                                                                Check out the Workers - Menu
Hobart Workers Club - Major Sponsor of the
    Southern Tasmanian Eight Ball Association