STEBA Summer Roster 2013 - 14 - B Grade

The Pot

Leading Players
Pos Name Played Won %
1    Reg Stocks 54 35 64.81%
2    Robbie Hawkins 41 26 63.41%
3    Warren Huxtable 50 31 62.00%
4    Warren Sheldon 44 26 59.09%
5    Peter Hajduk 50 28 56.00%
6    Fred House 41 16 39.02%
7    Mel Sheppard 19 7 36.84%
8    Jamie Bingjan 22 5 22.72%
9    Bradley Teleg 23 4 17.39%
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Master out
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Fixtures and Results
The Pot    14 10    HWC Nomads
Kenny's Cougars    15 9    The Pot
Granada Red    9 15    The Pot
The Pot    17 7    Mustard Pot Hero's
Valern Weapons    5 19    The Pot
The Pot    5 19    Claremont Devils
HWC Maroons    10 14    The Pot
AIC Zebra's    14 10    The Pot
The Pot    12 12    The Marquis
HWC Nomads    8 16    The Pot
The Pot    15 9    Kenny's Cougars
The Pot    10 14    Granada Red
Mustard Pot Hero's           The Pot
Claremont Devils           The Pot
Claremont Devils    19 5    The Pot
The Pot    5 19    HWC Maroons
The Pot    11 13    AIC Zebra's
The Marquis    16 8    The Pot

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